Y'all The TYME Iron Is The Only Curling Iron You Need... Trust Me!Raise your hand if you are actually super good at curling your own hair.... Probably no one... let's be real. I'm 25 and have owned countless curling irons my whole life and it still takes me about 80 tries, burnt hair ends, and a bottle of hair spray to get ONE good curl- ONE! That is until I splurged on the TYME Iron - and now my hair is SO easy to curl it's crazy. I am one of those people who always straightens my hair because I just can't use a curling iron to save my life. Maybe I'm just super lacking hand eye coordination but it was never working for me. I've always wanted to get bombshell curls like the Victoria's Secret models but I never knew how to achieve that look without spending $75+ at a salon. My friend curls her hair every. single. day. and it always looks AMAZING. I asked her once what she was doing because I was like there's no way she's getting that look from a wand. She told me all about the TYME Iron and how it's basically the curly version of a straightener. I was shook. Then I found out it was $175 and I was like ok I don't need beautiful curls that bad. Months (actually years) went by and every time I saw my friend I was obsessed with how good her hair looked. Finally (this past September) just a few days before my cousin's wedding, I decided to go ahead and splurge on the TYME iron. I figured what I was spending would pay off in the long run if I liked it because I easily spend half that amount to get my hair professionally styled. I found it on Amazon which was super convenient because I was able to get one day shipping just in time for my cousin's wedding. I'll be honest, it takes a bit of time to get the hang of it. I first tried it out on my hair THE MORNING OF my cousin's wedding and that wasn't the best idea ever. I ended up having to go with it half up, half down since I couldn't get the hang of it and each curl looked a bit different. It still looked good though - better than other curling irons. I could see that I would be able to get the hang of it with practice and time. It's definitely one of those flip of the wrist things. Like once you get it you're gonna be like DUH. But it might take some Youtube video tutorials & practice to figure it out. If you spend some time with no place to go, I think you can easily master the technique you're looking for within an hour or two. Obviously the more you use it the better you'll get. I've since been able to figure out how to curl my hair exactly the look I want and now my hair looks really good when I style it. I recommend the TYME iron 10/10, 5 stars. I've yet to use any of their other hair products but it's definitely on my list of beauty products to purchase.
If you're on the fence about it, definitely consider making the purchase. If you already get perfect curls with a different styling product then that's amazing (bc I seriously have no idea WHAT you're doing to get that result!). If you're like me and you're just not savvy enough with those old school products and even the curling wands, I totally recommend making the investment. BC girl you totally deserve some amazing curls!
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Unintuition's List of 219 Things To Do In 2019It's finally here! My annual post of "21_ Things To Do In 201_". I've been working on this list for MONTHS because as you may or may not know I never repeat the same thing twice. My first list - "216 Things To Do In 2016" - went viral 3 years back and I've since followed up with "217 Things To Do In 2017" and "218 Things To Do In 2018". While I've put a lot of thought into each year's list, this year was different. This year was a struggle for me, as have the previous years but 2018 was a whole new level. This was also a year where I learned the most about myself and I faced a lot of mental health challenges in order to get where I am now. It's also been an amazing year filled with travel, lots of new moments, and people in my life that want to be in it - which is the first time in a long time I can say that. I can honestly say since my first list that this is the first time I've posted one where I am actually feeling happy, excited, and ready for the holidays and a New Year. I have high hopes for 2019 & I think we all should. It's been a rough decade for a lot of us- individually and as a community. Let's finish this decade out with a bang so we can finally party like the roaring 20s all over again! So here it is - my list of 219 Things To Do in 2019! If you have thoughts or ideas for things to add to this list -feel free to leave your comments below! I'm also sharing the PDF version available to purchase which includes a full checklist of all 219 Things To Do, a printable calendar, a little eBook I threw together on my thoughts about the New Year and why I write this list, as well as few extra goodies. I hope you buy it because I spent a lot of time making the calendar! :) Happy New Year! To Learn...1. To stop overthinking 2. How to fish 3. How to tie a knot that will withstand (almost) anything 4. One survival skill you should totally know but don’t 5. Information on a trending news topic you don’t know much about 6. To leave good reviews instead of bad ones 7. A super impressive magic trick 8. How to do coffee art (at least one design!) 9. Axe throwing 10. How to cut out toxic people in your life 11. Facts about something super random/crazy (like ancient Egypt, alien theories, etc) 12. How to make/roll your own sushi 13. One super helpful tip that will make your life easier 14. A new perspective 15. Videography basics 16. How to bake a cake from scratch 17. To be a better speed reader 18. Jump start a car 19. More street smarts 20. Mindfulness 21. The benefits of portion size 22. Origami 23. How to whistle with your fingers (taxi anyone?) 24. The periodic table of elements 25. How to split firewood 26. Wax a car 27. How to fillet a fish 28. All about blockchain development 29. About Google analytics 30. French cooking 31. How to easily adjust to Daylight Savings this year 32. Cook a turkey 33. All about climate change 34. All about the water crisis (& investing in water!) 35. Macrame 36. How to moonwalk 37. How to pick a lock 38. Open a beer/wine bottle without an official bottle opener 39. How to tear open an apple in half with your hands (I know, it sounds crazy but impressive!) 40. What day or date of the week certain days/holidays fall without having to look it up! 41. The easy way to boil eggs 42. Candle carving 43. Better English (or whatever your native language is) by taking an advanced language class - because we all get a bit lazy! 44. All about abstract art 45. All about open source software 46. How to identity more plants 47. Decoupage 48. Negotiating tactics 49. Blackjack 50. How to escape duct tape, handcuffs, etc 51. How to make a sales pitch 52. How to build a network 53. Teach your pet a new trick 54. About the architecture in your city To Try...55. Cooking new meals with Blue Apron 56. An ethnic dish you never would consider 57. Being sober at something you normally would drink at 58. Fondue 59. Parasailing 60. Going one week without cursing (bc even if you like to talk like a sailor, sometimes it’s ok not to) 61. Taking a daily vitamin 62. Getting eyelash extensions (at least for a few weeks to see if you like your new look!) 63. Reading some pretty amazing entries & advice from DearCaptain.com 64. Riding a virtual reality rollercoaster/ride 65. Dressing like your favorite Instagram influencer for a week 66. Imperfect Produce 67. Going an entire week or month without online shopping, Amazon Prime, or food delivery (I know, it’s like the caveman days!) 68. An aerial silk class 69. Trapeze Class 70. Attending a Toastmasters class 71. Dating someone in the “real” world & not off of an app 72. Going to a book club 73. Candlelit yoga 74. Getting really good at something you’ve been interested in for awhile but haven’t fully pursued 75. Grammarly (For perfect emails & writing!) 76. Reading 24 books this year 77. Being more spontaneous 78. Doing more face masks to relax 79. Dragon’s Breath Ice Cream 80. Getting up early on a day you would normally sleep in 81. Selling something you don’t need on LetGo 82. 23 & Me 83. A food of the month club 84. The “Plogging” fitness craze 85. Meal prepping for 1+ week straight 86. Finding a new credit card that will give you rewards & points that is super beneficial to you 87. Not rolling your eyes in situations you normally would 88. Baking bread from scratch 89. Supporting something on Indiegogo 90. A Spartan Race 91. Different hot sauces 92. Driving a tank (Groupon!) 93. The Whole30 Diet 94. Cooking with your crockpot for 1 week straight 95. Watching all of the movies nominated for awards this year 96. Writing for a blog/website/column 97. Water-infused beauty products 98. Eating more adaptogens 99. Vero social media 100. Insect-infused recipes 101. Silkworm protein powders (super nutritional!) 102. The Blossom Cup (Ladies- I hear it's amazing!) 103. Class Pass 104. Taking a class of interest on Lynda 105. Taking a flight/train ride/or even a ride share to a random location or wherever destination is next 106. A Vipassana meditation course 107. Spending an entire weekend alone with no plans 108. The 52-week money challenge To Create...109. A photo album of 2018 110. Your perfect 2018 playlist to always look back on 111. A list of everything you want to accomplish this year 112. A wine collection to open on special occasions (i.e. future birthdays, anniversaries, promotions, etc) 113. You & your friend’s own version of a fantasy draft that isn’t necessarily football/basketball (i.e. The Bachelor Fantasy Draft) 114. A Snapchat geo-filter for a party or event you’re hosting 115. A super creative hashtag to use on your photos throughout the year 116. A trip with a large portion of your friends to take in 2019 117. Naming a star 118. Highlighting parts of poems you love in a poetry book & gifting it to your lover, best friend, close family member, etc 119. A super organized folder with all of the important documents you have to keep (taxes, insurance info, etc) 120. A list of podcasts you really like 121. A holiday wreath for your door 122. A costume completely from scratch for a costume party 123. A super organized e-mail account that is caught up, sorted, & easy to navigate 124. Cocktail with edible cocktail paint 125. An infinity puzzle light 126. An organized make-up area 127. Your own face mask from scratch 128. An art project or installation out of old clothes 129. A furniture piece out of wooden pallets 130. An area outside where you can relax on a daily basis (or a kit/bag you can take to a local outdoor area to relax) 131. Custom thank you/birthday/holiday cards to send out 132. Paintings/drawings created after people watching at a cafe, museum, or other events 133. A terrarium 134. An updated savings/retirement/investment plan 135. A daily gratitude journal for 2019 136. A high performance work out plan for 30 days 137. Your own Vlog 138. Ways to mentor to someone 139. The ultimate toolbox for any home improvement project 140. Your own comic book 141. An Instagram or Snapchat account JUST FOR YOU (keep it on private) to share and document whatever you want from 2019 142. A Facebook group over something you’re interested in or passionate about where you can share and grow within a community 143. An account with TikTok 144. A manicure/pedicure routine 145. Rewards account with a company/store you frequently use but have yet to join 146. Your own bath scrubs/soaps 147. A collection of your favorite poems and/or short stories 148. A list of things you want to purge or get rid of from your life in 2019 149. Better ways to market yourself or your business 150. A daily breakfast routine (Since we all sometimes miss the most important meal of the day!) 151. A time during the day where you can take a break or reflect 152. A list of 10+ self-improvement books to read by 2020 153. Your personal brand 154. A book filled with all of the ideas that come to you this year - be it work related, home projects, etc 155. A ten-year vision 156. A bucket list of things to do in your city/state 157. Ways to not get so worked up about daily minor inconveniences 158. Your own take on a classic or favorite recipe 159. A gallery photo wall 160. An organized, inspiring home office 161. A Polaroid photo collection 162. Care bags to donate to your local animal shelter with treats, dollar store blankets, etc To Experience...163. A relaxing spa day at Aire
164. An amazing (affordable!) trip off Groupon 165. Buying a drink/dessert/gift for a random couple, bachelor/bachelorette party, friend group, family, etc that you see out celebrating one night 166. A hockey game 167. Dine/drink at a robot bar 168. Being on live TV 169. Hosting a Secret Santa exchange 170. New Years Eve 2020 some place amazing 171. A fun night at Punch Bowl Social 172. Buying a few more boxes of girl scout cookies than normal to support their cause (and a healthy diet!) 173. A burlesque show 174. A Sofar Sounds show 175. Volunteering at a non-profit you care about 176. Volunteering somewhere out of your comfort zone 177. One weekend where you have zero plans & can 100% seize the day or any opportunity that comes your way 178. Your own glow-up 179. A play put on by a local elementary school 180. Ice Bowling 181. Getting rid of something you’ve always wanted to keep (because material items really aren’t everything) 182. A beautiful sunset 183. Coachella / ACL / Lollapalooza / SXSW / ETC 184. Going to a Renaissance Festival/fair 185. Feeding local wildlife 186. A pumpkin patch 187. A shopping spree with any gift cards you’ve been gifted the past few years (a lot of them expire in 2020!!) 188. Donating plasma 189. A halfway to Halloween party 190. A cat cafe 191. Hosting a 90s themed party 192. An “Instagram” pop up event 193. Hearing/seeing/meeting a politician you admire 194. A secret dining event 195. An alcohol inhalation bar 196. Sleeping with an air purifier 197. Digital art projection of some type (BC It’s V trendy!) 198. Reading more audiobooks 199. Hearing a riveting college commencement speech 200. Organizing a local charity event/fundraiser 201. Dying your hair a crazy color (at least for a weekend!) 202. Wishing someone happy birthday/anniversary/etc over the radio 203. Attending a gala 204. Visiting the home, school, or favorite places from your childhood 205. Being completely honest with yourself in regards to the current life choices you’re making and pursuing 206. Thinking of someone else in a situation where you would normally just think of yourself 207. Leaving your phone at home & kicking it old school one night 208. The Polar Bear Challenge 209. Cutting down your own Christmas tree 210. Whitewater rafting 211. Skinny dipping 212. Entering a competition for something you’re good at or something quirky (i.e. Chili Cooking competition) 213. Making up with someone you have gotten on bad terms with 214. Randomly sending a friend lunch 215. Sitting out & talking in the moonlight with someone you care about 216. Getting lost in your town or somewhere you're visiting 217. Amazing BBQ 218. Laughing uncontrollably 219. The peace with knowing 2019 is only one year & you have many years to come- this is just one chapter in your book and if you haven't done something yet, it doesn't mean you won't I've gone through some rough times in my life- as I'm sure you're aware if you've literally read any other of my posts on here. I've dealt with death, moving almost every year for 7 years in a row, family secrets, everyone I'm related to being divorced, life pressures, the list continues. I don't always want to make things sound so bad, because I'm incredibly blessed. I do feel hurt from time to time and it's taken a lot to pull myself out of the low spots.
When you're having a rough go at it, it can be really hard to heal yourself. I don't think many people understand this. It's amazing how some people are so emotional and others aren't at all. Or how some people feel so jaded yet others feel fine. A human mind is a crazy place. No matter what you're going through or how you feel, I think there are a lot of ways to get yourself out of the funk- at least temporarily. Here's my list of things you can do to feel better, clear your head, & try to get back to a better mental state: -Talk to someone -Paint -Turn off your phone & read or watch TV - completely distraction free -Go for a walk -Listen to a soothing music playlist -Volunteer at an animal shelter (even just dropping off a bag of treats and petting a few good boys will make you feel 10x better, trust me!) -Write - Your thoughts, short stories, memories, goals, anything your heart desires -Read poetry -Write cards to mail your family or friends (we ALL love getting snail mail!) -Paint your nails -Do a face mask -Take a bubble bath -Cook your favorite meal -Go for a run -Dance (At home or the club or even just with some friends) -Meet someone new -Dress up -Take a break from social media -Watch something that always makes you laugh -Look through old photos/albums -Start a new project -Go for a drive -Do candlelit yoga (or any yoga for that matter) -Go see live music -Learn something new -Read a book on your religion or self-improvement -Do something super silly There are so many blog posts on ways to feel better and spend your time when you're down. I'm sure this post is just like all the others. My only real advice to give (and I'm speaking from my own experience - not necessarily saying anyone else feels this way) but for me, when I'm really stressed out or overwhelmed I usually know what the root cause is. & for me I'm not going to really feel 100% better until I deal with the root problem. I can mask it all I want, pretend it will go away. I'm not going to feel better until I take care of whatever is wrong. So maybe before drawing a hot bath or reading a book, I might just try to tackle the issue at hand the next time I'm feeling low. Maybe this is advice worth taking. Or maybe it's not. We're all different and we all process things at different paces. No matter what you're going through, I hope you find peace through it and know that things can get better. Alexa, play 24K Magic By Bruno Mars. I'm currently 25, but I had a pretty lit 24th birthday. & by lit I mean all gold everything. I love sparkly things and gold- who doesn't? So having a 24K gold themed birthday for my 24th seemed like the perfect party idea. I think this theme would also rock for a golden birthday (See ya soon 28! - hopefully not THAT soon!). You could also do the a karat/gold theme birthday party for an 18th or 75th! Here's how I decorated & celebrated keeping that 24K theme! Food & Drinks:If you like it then you shoulda put a (donut) ring on it! Donuts are so cheap I love it as a go to party dessert food. In lieu of cake or cupcakes, I went with donuts! I added edible gold glitter to the tops since I'm extra. I made sure to keep gold chocolate coins ALL over as well. You really can't play up the gold theme enough. For food, I went with a Chick-Fil-A nugget tray. Only the best. Plus nuggets go well with the theme. I considered doing chicken and waffles as well but decided to save that for another time. Drink wise, well champagne was everywhere! A must for sure. I also think doing Mexican mimosas (champagne & tequila!) would be a great cocktail option to stick with the gold theme. Decorations:Decorating is relatively easy because you can just be super boujee. I put gold fringe everywhere (and even bought this super cheap but glam fringe chandelier - pictured far right). I think the champagne glass tower is a super fun way to decorate. It's like Gatsby is hosting your party. My previous apartment had a strange layout which made decorating more difficult, but if you get creative any space can be the perfect space to throw a party! Glassware, candlesticks, and anything that dazzles makes for the perfect table top display. I totally recommend getting a few packs of gold glitter tea light candles. They're super great for adding mood lighting and more gold throughout your party space. Place them on bookshelves, cabinets, and various furniture tops to give a more dramatic look to your event. Because I'm all about doing it for the Insta, I also put up a gold sequin photo booth backdrop for my friends to use. The backdrop was complete with number 24 gold balloons (did you even have a birthday if you don't include the inflatable number you're turning?). To make these cute donut toppers, I bought black letter sticker sheets from the craft store and stuck them on to tooth picks. I then displayed them however I wanted in the donuts. You could easily do something similar with a cake or cupcakes. While I went with "Old But Gold", this topper DIY makes it easy to spell out whatever your heart desires! Get The Lewk:I've rounded up all my favorite gold decorations, accessories, and items that I think are perfect for creating a 24K gold themed or golden birthday party. Some of these ideas and products would be great for a NYE or Gatsby themed party as well. Don't be afraid to go a little wild & overboard! Now I Ain't Sayin' She A Gold Digger:I've come to the conclusion that gold is ALWAYS a good theme for a party. It can be bad, it can be boujee. It can be glamorous or you could do a speakeasy vibe. Whatever you decide to do, your playlist is equally as important. Here's my list of songs that I made sure were on repeat the night of my party: Gold Digger - Kanye West
24K Magic - Bruno Mars Glamorous - Fergie Gold - Kiiara Sunny Side Of The Street - Shazalakazoo We No Speak Americano - Yolanda Be Cool A Little Party Never Killed Nobody - Fergie That's What I Like - Bruno Mars Gin Tonic - Parov Stelar Fashion - Lady Gaga Le Disko - Shiny Toy Guns Beauty Killer - Jeffree Star Puttin' On The Ritz - Taco Fancy - Iggy Azalea Rockstar - Post Malone Mannequin - Britney Spears Pretty Girls - Britney Spears + Iggy Azalea Uptown Girl - Billy Joel Boom Clap - Charli XCX Material Girl - Madonna Never Let You Go - Waldeck Paris - Grace Potter & The Nocturnals Cinderella - Diana Vickers Sparkling Diamonds - Nicole Kidman (Moulin Rouge) Dancing In The Moonlight - Toploader Cheap Thrills - Sia No Money - Galantis Barbie Girl - Aqua 1999 - Charlie XCX Maybe it's those hipster vibes that still linger in our bones from 2014 when mustaches were placed on everything and we all got into craft beer. Or maybe it's from all the nostalgia being thrown at us from the shows we binge watch - ya know, like how all the new shows take place in the modern day but everyone is driving a 1946 Ford Mustang and wearing vintage denim jackets. Trippy. Or maybe it's just because no matter how amazing the world of technology gets, there's something about those classic pieces that nothing can beat. In other words, I think we can all agree that we would really like to start a vinyl record collection (or, for those not new to the game - continue investing in a vinyl record collection!). It seems easy enough to start a vinyl record collection, right? I mean you just buy a record player and Amazon Prime some of your fav records. Simple enough? Probably. But because we all love to give our opinions and read trivial blog posts - I decided why not write a guide on vinyl record collecting 101. Like anything, starting a true collection takes research and time. While I'm not exactly an expert, my dad is (he has 8,000+ records and counting) and between what he's told me and what I've discovered from personal experience, I think my advice is decent enough. This is the internet after all - people will believe anything. 1. Invest In A Good Turntable: Ok, this is an obvious first step. I think many of us sometimes skimp on the tech details in order to find a good deal. We also sometimes tend to over splurge on items we don't know much about (usually in order to come off super trendy and boujee, let's be real). So before you buy an overpriced record player that's trending on Instagram for its gold finishes or a super cheap record player from Goodwill - I admire your determination to stick with the vintage theme, here's what you really need to know about purchasing the perfect turntable. Crosley: While definitely a bit overhyped, I think we can all agree that they look #aesthetic and that the sound quality is, for the most part, decent enough. If you're looking for starting a collection and aren't exactly sure how much time or money you'll be investing into it then I recommend the Crosley Radio Cruiser Deluxe Turntable. It looks sleek, it's easy to transport to and from, and you can even hook up your Bluetooth for when you are in more of a Spotify mood or have yet to build up a large collection of records. Priced around $70-80, it's a good deal for both a vinyl player and a speaker. 2. Get Some Background Information:
Not to speak for everyone here but I'm one of those people who doesn't really research ANYTHING beforehand. So when I start a new hobby (or really do anything for that matter) I'm super uneducated and usually find out the hard way the things I should have known from the getgo. Spend an hour or two watching Youtube videos over the history of vinyl. Learn the differences between EP & LP. Just a simple Wikipedia search over the history of records is enough to get some background information on this new adventure you're starting. Knowing the basic terminology will help you when it comes to finding new records and getting more into the music scene. 3. It's A Lifestyle: Some people will spend hours looking through records at their local record store. Many record stores have a community where they host events and local musicians, with people all sharing their love for music. It's really so amazing how music can bring people together. No matter how trivial it may seem to you or what type of music you're into, consider going to an event hosted by a local record store to see what the fuss is all about. As much as it pains many of us to admit to, this is a dying industry. Supporting your local record store(s) is really important - especially with the ease of being able to order records online. Say what you want about brick and mortar but there really is something special about certain industries and being able to go into an actual building and experience something deeper than clicking a button. Most record stores let you listen to your record first before purchasing it. It's a way to spend a Saturday, a great place to wander on a date, and something you can do completely alone. Join the community and I think you'll really appreciate this new collection you're starting. 4. Buy what YOU want: Don't try to impress anyone but yourself when it comes to starting your record collection. My collection goes from Britney Spears to Elvis Presley to Hank Williams. Unless you plan to sell this collection down the road, don't spend your time or money buying records to build up a collection of music that you're not super passionate about. It's different when you're making tons of Spotify playlists to just throw anything and everything on there. When it comes to collecting records, research what you want. Maybe you only want to buy LPs. Maybe you prefer to stick with one genre. Whatever it is, you do you boo. |
December 2021